
Meet our Yaks


Cimba is one of our mothers. I call her my care bear because she has heart on her side. She has had two babies at our farm including Lucy our yearling, and Lucky (pictured here) our baby bull.




Diki is our herd leader. She is highly intelligent. Phillip can tell her to move our herd “down hill” and she will take the herd with her. Diki is the mother of Suvi, born this past May.





Dechen is our happy easy girl. She was reserve grand champion as a yearling at the National Western Stock Show. She is the mother of Ruby our yearling girl and the baby twins Fire and Rain.




When I first met Popeau, he reminded me of “Ferdinand the Friendly Bull” from the children’s book. He enjoys smelling flowers and is mellow. He likes his ladies, his food and his favorite tree to lounge under. He is our older bull and present breeding bull. He one 2nd place in the fiber competition at the National Western Stock Show. He has fathered, Ruby, Lucy, Suvi, and the Twins Fire and Rain.




Tiny has a black spot on his nose that reminds me of chip from Beauty and the Beast. He is a shy boy who loves to rub his back into the dirt in the summer to cool off.  Tiny is really beautiful, but its a good thing he hasn’t let it go to his head. He is our younger bull and just starting to breed. He fathered our baby bull Lucky born in August.




Ruby was the first baby born at our farm. She is really special to us. She was born the weekend we were supposed to be rafting on a stretch of river called  Ruby Horse Thief in Western Colorado and so we named her Ruby in her timely arrival. Ruby is a haus of a girl, but still a yearling at heart and figuring out new things every day. She is a very sweet sensitive girl. We plan to breed her.





Lucy is dubbed our house Yak. She is a yearling Royal female born at our farm. She is as tame as a dog and used to sit on my front porch as a baby Yak. Now she hangs with the other yaks, but still enjoys the company of my 5 pound chihuahua Pierre. Lucy is highly intelligent and always finding ways to convince the other yaks that she should have the best hay.






Lucky is such a sweet heart. He loves cuddles and his ears scratched and back rubs and in general, love. He loves to be loved and is quite flirty with our Homo Sapien lady friends. He is also remarkably calm and quite satisfied at all times. Lucky stopped breathing just after birth and I started rubbing his head, neck and stomach in attempts to get him going. After the most terrifying two minutes of my life, the little guy took a giant cough and breath. In that moment I started yelling at him, “you lucky son of a *****!”… and hence the name Lucky.




Suvi translates to Summer in Finnish. Suvi was born in May the weekend Phillip had his high school reunion on the Western Slope. We had a friend watching the farm and he left at 1:30pm and we were back at 3pm and in that 1.5  hour slot of unsupervised time, Suvi popped into the world! Suvi is Diki’s favorite little one. The two are very close. Suvi has a beautiful auburn stripe mane down her hump and back just like her dad Popeau.



The Twins!!! (Fire and Rain)

Fire and Rain are identical twins. When we sent in their DNA sample to UC Davis, they contacted us to ask if we had accidentally sent the same sample. We double checked and sure enough, the twins results came back identical.  These two are inseparable and play together constantly and will run together as if they are glued together. They are quite unique for trims as they both have pink noses. Pink nosed trims! Dechen was carrying these two when we evacuated from the Cold Springs Fire this past summer. At the time, we did not know she was carrying twins. In fact, the vet who came to check on her didn’t notice either! We had incredible support from the Boulder County Animal Control, Sheriff’s and volunteer aid from the community during the fire that I promised them all I would name the baby Dechen was carrying “Fire.” When two little ones popped out, I had a predicament, what to name the second? I settled on Rain because the only differentiation between these two is Rain has a white rain shaped drop just above her nose where as Fire has a fire stripe down her full face. This is the only way that we can tell these two apart.






